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Ethiopia | Keramo 2023

Ethiopia | Keramo 2023

Regular price $22.00
Regular price Sale price $22.00
Sale Sold out

Region: Bensa, Sidama, Ethiopia
Process: Washed
Variety: Local Landraces
Elevation: 2,300+ masl
We Taste: Peach, Jasmine, Acacia Honey

The Keramo washing station is one of several stations managed by Daye Bensa, an Ethiopian exporter founded by brothers Asefa and Mulegeta Dukamo. Coffee cherries are delivered to the Keramo station by about 1,500 surrounding farmers who live high up in the Bombe Mountains.

Due to the extremely high elevations of up to 2,360 masl and resulting slow maturation of the cherries, the seeds are small, dense, and packed with complex flavors! This year’s lot is very juicy and reminds us of yellow peaches, jasmine, and floral acacia honey. 

Price Breakdown

Our Total Cost: $8.40/lb
Packaging, labor, and weight loss: $3.05
Green Price: $5.35/lb
FOB Price: $4.35/lb
Farm Gate Price: 90 birr/kg cherry
Importer: Coffee Quest

*We roast on Tuesdays and ship the following day; order deadline is 7:00 am Tuesday morning; local pick-up orders will be ready on Fridays

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