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Peru | Yanatile 2023

Peru | Yanatile 2023

Regular price $20.00
Regular price Sale price $20.00
Sale Sold out

Region: Calca, Cusco, Peru
Variety: Typica
Altitude: 1800masl
We Taste: Clementine, Vanilla, Brown Sugar

Yanatile is a community lot from several producers in the Valle Inca group based in Cusco, Peru. Valle Inca is a quality driven group consisting mainly of smallholder producers who own 2-3 hectares on average. Since its inception in 2014, Prudencio has work with the head of QC, Tibed Yujra, to improve drying, fermentation, and storage practices. All of this has contributed to higher quality and shelf life for the coffees, which in turn leads to higher prices for the producers, allowing them to reinvest into their own production. Red Fox, who imports the coffees, commits to buying as much coffee as they can from Valle Inca with preset, tiered FOB prices based on cup score ranges, creating more structured financial reliability predictability for the producers. 

Price Breakdown

Our Total Cost: $9.82/lb
Packaging, labor, and weight loss: $4.77/lb
Green Price: $5.05/lb
FOB Price:  $4.00/lb
Farm Gate Price: 

Importer: Red Fox

*We roast on Tuesdays and ship the following day 

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